Turkey Trouble is a hilarious tale of an ingenious little fowl! It's almost Thanksgiving and he is knee-deep in trouble! I mean, who wants to be a turkey on Thanksgiving?! He doesn't want to end up on a dinner plate, so he tries to disguise himself! First, he tries to dress up like a horse... but cow recognizes him! Each time he tries a new disguise, a fellow farm animal see through it. Finally, he comes up with an amazing solution - he dresses up like a pizza man and delivers pizza to his farmer's house! It's a win-win for everyone. haha.. The farmer and his family gobble down pizza on Thanksgiving and Turkey trots to see another day!
I created a freebie for sequencing! This will be perfect for students with sequencing or comprehension goals. It can also be used in a regular education classroom! This book is perfect for an interactive read aloud. Students sequence the story by drawing the correct disguise onto the turkeys. First, they'll draw a horse costume (then a cow, pig, sheep, etc).
If you're interested in this freebie you can download it HERE.
Other ideas:
- Problem Solving: What would you do if you were turkey?
- Vocabulary: This book is great for farm vocabulary.
- Describing: Describe each of turkey's disguises.
- Compare/Contrast: Discuss the similarities and differences between a traditional Thanksgiving feast and a pizza feast!
Have you used this book before? Please comment and share your ideas! Thanks for visiting my blog, have a wonderful Wild About Books Wednesday!
P.S. This freebie makes me so happy that I'm linking it up with Speechie Freebies for FreeBEE Friday!