I absolutely love when bloggers share their lesson plans, so I'm so excited that I have finally jumped on board with this new series! Last week, my students giggled and had a blast with If You Give a Dog a Donut. Seriously, students love Laura Numeroff's books! They're just so much fun. We will keep the ball rolling this week with If You Give a Cat a Cupcake!
Expressively, we will continue working on our retelling skills and start working on sequencing! Receptively, we will be practicing answering WH ?s based on the book, following temporal directions, and working on understanding prepositions. I recently updated my If You Give a Cat a Cupcake: Book Companion and it now features lots of print n' go activities for many speech and language skills! I'm excited to use the NO PREP grammar activities for plurals and pronouns this week.
My little fluency group will be playing Stuttering Jeopardy - it's critical for students who stutter to know as much as possible about stuttering! When you download the visual plans, just click the books for a link to Fluency Friday's free resource.
In articulation, we will be doing our first artic challenge of the year! The Peachie Speechie has sooo many great challenges for articulation and my students LOVED them last year. The Football Challenge is perfect for fall! The rest of the week, we will continue using Fall Color, Cut, and Glue activities!
You can download this week's lessons plans by clicking HERE. Enjoy and have a great week!